
Showing posts from 2015
“MAGA Worldwide” was formed by Patriotic American Citizens in 2015 with the goal in mind to organize a massive grassroots volunteer army to vote for and advocate for Donald J. Trump as President. Members from Tea Party, 912, 2nd Amendment coalitions, anti-common core groups, Christian conservative groups, and many other conservative organizations joined with us in volunteering our collective time  and energy in getting Mr. Trump elected as President. The reason for this overwhelming response is largely the same reasons the New York real-estate mogul is climbing so rapidly in the polls. “America is sick of politicians lying and mismanaging our nation’s finances,” said the organization’s spokesperson. The sad truth is; there seems to be a precious little difference today in the generic Republican and Democrat. We are rapidly approaching a point of no return with our debt and at that point, none of the other issues we are facing are going to matter when we declare bankruptcy as