
Showing posts from 2018

Thank You To Our Top 500 Supporters

During this season of thanks, we wanted to extend our heartfelt gratitude to the people who help make The MAGA Worldwide Project possible. Below, we've listed the top 500 supporters of 2018 as a way to say thanks and help you let the world know how much President Trump is loved and changing the U.S.A. and the world for the better. To our incredible volunteers – Thank you for your time, dedication, and commitment to saving young lives. Because of you, youth have a safe place to turn to for help and are never truly alone; and that is life-saving. We could not be here without you. To our invaluable donors – Thank you for your gifts to The MAGA Worldwide Project as we continue to grow, move forward, and reach more young people than ever before. Without your generosity, we would not be recognizing 16 life-saving years of service. To the MAGA Worldwide Board of Directors, past and present – Thank you for helping to guide our organization. Due in large part to your leadership, we

Donald Trump: I Will Only Pay on Elizabeth Warren Bet ‘If I Can Test Her Personally’

President Donald Trump said he would only pay off on a bet to Sen. Elizabeth Warren if he could test her claim of American Indian heritage “personally.” “I’ll only do it if I can test her personally, and that will not be something I will enjoy doing either,” Trump said when asked about his offer to pay $1 million to Warren’s favorite charity if she could prove her claim of being an Indian. Warren released a DNA analysis from a Stanford professor on Monday that said she could have as much as 1/64th and as little as 1/1,024th American Indian heritage. Trump scoffed at Warren’s claim. “I owe her?” he said to a reporter who asked him about the bet. “She owes the country an apology. What’s her percentage? 1/1,000th?” She responded to Trump’s comment by accusing him of making a “creepy physical threat.” “We all know why Donald Trump makes creepy physical threats about me, right?” she asked. “He’s scared. He’s trying to do what he always does to women who scare him: call us names,

Politico: Evangelical Leaders Praise Trump for Andrew Brunson Release

Evangelical leaders continue to be thrilled with President Donald Trump’s performance after he secured the release of pastor Andrew Brunson this weekend. Politico notes, in an article titled “‘I love him so much I can hardly explain it’: Evangelical leaders praise Trump after pastor’s release”: When a Turkish court released American Andrew Brunson after two years of confinement, it was a profound moment for Christian evangelicals, who had made the pastor a symbol of religious persecution worldwide. In Brunson’s case and others, they had prayed for deliverance. And President Donald Trump, they said, delivered. … Again and again, evangelical activists say, the administration has made good on promises made to the faith voters who lifted Trump into office — a group he will sorely need to turn out again for his 2020 re-election bid. … Some of the administration’s actions that have impressed Christian groups have come as seismic pronouncements, such as formally recognizing Jer

Melania Trump Spox: Boycott T.I. over ‘Disgusting’ Music Video

Stephanie Grisham, spokeswoman for First Lady Melania Trump, called out rapper-actor T.I. over his “disgusting” rap video featuring Mrs. Trump as a nude stripper dancing on a Resolute desk in a fake Oval Office. The Atlanta-based rapper took his criticism of Kanye West and President Donald Trump’s Oval Office confab to a whole new level, tweeting a one-minute music video Friday featuring the faux first lady in the buff. Though dragging Melania Trump into the beef upped the ante. As Breitbart’s Warner Todd Huston reported: The not safe for work clip features T.I. hanging around in the Oval Office after the president is seen flying off on Marine One. The rapper then sits behind the Resolute Desk smoking a cigar as a woman who looks like Melania Trump comes in wearing that famous “I Really Don’t Care, Do U?” coat. The rapper captioned the tweet with the raunchy video, saying, “Dear 45, I ain’t Kanye.”

Melania Trump in for 2020, Husband Doing ‘Incredible Job’

First lady Melania Trump told ABC news viewers in an interview aired Friday night that she loves living in Washington and the White House, and her husband is doing an incredible job as president. Mrs. Trump was asked if she is looking forward to possibly six more years in the White House if husband President Donald Trump runs for re-election. “I believe that my husband is doing an incredible job for this nation and I want that American people have success, so whatever he will decide I will support him,” she said told ABC News Chief National Affairs Correspondent Tom Llamas in an interview conducted during her recent trip to Africa. Llamas pushed on whether she is looking forward to the possibility. “I am enjoying it. I really love to live in the Washington and the White House,” she said. The interviewer later pressed into her marriage with the president. He asked whether she loves her husband. “Yes we are fine, yes…What media speculate and it’s gossip. It’s not always correc

NBC Belatedly Corrects Fake News Story on Trump and Robert E. Lee

NBC News issued a correction Sunday of its inaccurate tweet Friday that President Donald Trump had praised Confederate General Robert E. Lee at a rally in Ohio, misquoting the president and leaving out the context that he was setting up praise of Union General Ulysses S. Grant.

Our Site Is Moving Soon

Please be aware that we are now showing only the most recent articles on our site as we continue to move the website to a new home. Please bear with us, we expect to have everything ready by the first week of November, 2018. Thanks again. MAGA Worldwide